Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Who Are You?

You can know a person for years without really knowing them. There could be a person, wether it's a sister, brother, best friend, boyfriend, or any other title a person could have in your life who you believe you know down to the core of their being. You may see them every day or every week and you and this person get along great and tell secrets to each other. Then in some relationships their comes a time where one person, or both peoples, realize a characteristic that is strong in that person that you didn't quite notice before. Sometimes its brought on by something happening in your life or the other persons life. For a best friend it could be a new boyfriend, new fiends, or new family situations. For boyfriends it maybe an argument, something mean they said to you, a rumor you heard, or going "the next step in your relationship." Or with family it maybe just that your growing as a person and they're growing as people, and you learn new things about each other that you've never known your whole life.
Whatever and whoever it maybe its always a hard thing to accept that a person you've loved and cared for isn't quite who you thought they were. Some relationships end, but other people are determined to keep the relationship alive and work through it, talk, adjust. While some people never experience this in a relationship and continue having a fabulous one

1 comment:

shay said...

I dont think a person can ever experience a relationship where everything stays the same as it always does. Changes happen everyday for different reasons. Just sometimes there are changes that happen that your not comfortable with. Adjusting and working through it is just something that needs to happen if you really care about working out whatever it is. I think people always change, but what really makes you stick with a relationship is good character. Like if someones style changes, the way the care about people wont change. Or if someones really loyal or honest, that wont change as they grow up. But yeahhh lol those are my thoughts.