Thursday, January 22, 2009

all gone wrong

I like you
Will you be my girlfriend?
your beautiful
your amazing
I need you
stay with me forever
you make my darkest days light
never leave my side
your my everything

Things aren't working
I think we need a brake
all we do is yell at each other now
I think we should brake up
I still want you
We shouldn't talk this much
you make me mad
we should be only friends
.... I still love you

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's Like A Food Craving

Have you ever had a time when you really crave a food, and you cant get it off your mind until you eat it? Even if you eat something els the you usualy really like it just dosen't satify you enough. Well I have been craving movies like that. Randomly I really want to watch a movie, it could be one that I havent seen in years or one that I just saw yesterday, but either way I cant stop thinking about that movie until I watch it! It only makes me more thankful for websites like youtube and others that let you watch movies for free on them and for late night T.V. that shows little kid movies.

the dance

I had lots of fun at the dance! It looked very pretty good job Carmen and Jasmine! The night seemed like it went by really fast! I never knew until about three days before the dance that we had a place called the fish bowl, I always wondered why that squareish shaped open area was there, It was really pretty out there I loved it!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

um manswers?

So for some reason this week when I'm talking to a guy the search engine Manswers comes up. I guess its like a place guys can ask anything they would want to know about? I think its so weird that randomly a certain word will just keep coming up through out your week! Just like how about two months ago the word banana kept coming up. It's creepy like if you haven't said the word or heard the word everyone has been saying they keep hearing I feel like I missed a memo!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Too Much E.R.

I feel like for the past few months I have been having to go to the hospital too frequently. Between the allergy shots I get, regular doctor appointments, appointments for my family and random walk - ins to the E.R. I'm starting to know my way around that part of Kaiser. On new years I had to go to the E.R. because I was running a fever of 102 and now tonight I had to go because my dad cut the pad of his finger nearly off while rotating his tires! I was running around the urgent care center for the past 3 hours doing stuff for him and walking him places! At least he is okay though, they put him on lost of pain killers and antibiotics and sent him home, it should heal in a while, but he broke the tip of his finger too. I feel like people in my family are just destined to get hurt randomly!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Breana- Bella- Donna*

Around my neighborhood there were never kids my age. My sister used to hang out with two boys down the street but I was usually excluded from whatever they were doing because of my age. I was the youngest in my class also so kids, being kids didn't want to hang out with someone younger it wasn't cool for a seven year old to hang out with a six year old. My elementary school did fund raisers, things like selling cookie dough, or chocolate bars, so my mom would walk me around to sell to our neighbors. When we arrived at a house that was just across the street and around the corner form mine, a tallish woman with a dark blond shade of hair and her long dark haired crying daughter, who looked about my age answered the door. When I asked her mom why she was crying she said "her daddy didn't kiss her good bye". After our moms talked for a little while and the girl who looked my age and I stood next to each other in near silence for a while, a play date was scheduled. My mom wrote down her name on a piece of paper and the number on her house so when I walked over to hang out with Breana for the first time I wouldn't get lost.
When I rang the door bell I heard yelling between her bothers before a older boy who made me nervous answered the door. Breana and I just kept finding out that we had more and more things in common after the first day we hung out. Her house set up was the same as mine and her room was in the same place, we both had a dog and loved fruit roll ups. We went to a summer camp together that summer and singed up for all the same camp activities, we were inseparable. summers were also full of lemonade stands and riding around the block on scooters finding different places to sit and talk about what we wanted to do when we grew up and things we were determined to do even if people thought we couldn't, while we balled up fruit roll ups and shoved them in our mouths.
In the fall a plant we called sour grass grew and we would pick it and make salads that only a mother who loved her child would pretend to eat and long cold days planing house inside and staying up all night. I saw my first scary movie with her, I will never forget it, "My Teacher Ate My Homework", a story about a demonic doll that haunted us for two weeks.
I'll never forget the day she told me she was moving. I walked to her house to give her back a lemonade pitcher and boxes were everywhere, she moved to Morgen hill and moved to a school called Paradise. We tried to have enough lemonade stands to earn enough money so that we could buy a house and stay their together and frequently talked on the phone about it, until the house we wanted to buy was sold. We slowly stopped hanging out, and when middle school hit i started seeing her one a year every summer in small town called Groveland. I still see her sometimes when our mos decided to go on a vacation hiking trip together leaving us to talk, but nothing can beat the amazing times we had when we were young kids, never fighting,and always dreaming, I still cant forget her birthday or ever secret she told me.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

kind of a girl thing

So this last weekend I had to go wig shopping for my mom with my grandma and my mom and i took Shay with me. When we walked into the store it wasn't quite  what i thought it would be. I imagined a wig store being either like those pawn shops in the movies or some crazy big place. But in stead it was a nice little place in Campbell called "Wing N' Out". The lady there was extremely nice and let my mom try on what ever she wanted, while we were there a man walked in. As he looked at the wigs he over heard the four of us talking and try to decide which one to pick for my mom and he told us that he never realized how big of a deal hair was to girls. That made me think... and hair is really important to girls, it must be such a hard thing for a cancer patient to go through. I mean as a girl you can never imagine yourself without the full head of hair you've always had, and never planed on shaving off.