Sunday, November 9, 2008

The guys

So maybe you've heard me talk about them before, but i know these four guys who are honestly a few of the closest guys to me in the world. I've known them for six or seven years and they older then me (like around my older sister age,18-19). These guy are like my big brothers and they pretty much taught me how to stick up for myself, have fun when you don't have money, live life the best you can, and how to fight. I don't get to see them much anymore because we all have allot of other things to do and my parents don't really approve of me hanging out with boys of that age, but I think that they are wonderfully influential and appreciate them always being there for me.


I love it! I usualy cant sleep that well but for some reason this whole week has just been amazing! I love day light savings!!


My doggy(the one who got hit by a car) is getting so much better! hes a boarder collie so hes one of those high energy dogs and he is hating that he cant go run around with my other dog, I feel bad for him. But through this whole him healing thing he's lost a bunch of weight and doesn't look like a fatty anymore so that's good!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Scary Cat!

On Halloween me and shay decided to go out trick or treating together. Our parents said that we could stay out until 10 but we started walking home around 9:15, we turned down a street and there was no one out side, not one person, and no cars going by. Out of nowhere this all black cat comes running towards us meowing over and over again, but when it got close and i bent over to try and pet it, it stopped meowing, ran around us and past a ladder then stopped meowing and running and slowed to a calm walk. Like its goal was just to run past us! Shay and I were like oh grate what kind of bad luck do you get if a fully black cat runs past you at full speed meowing and the runs next to a ladder when your on a street alone on Halloween!

little kids

So yesterday I went over to my aunt and uncles to babysit my cousins and spend the night. My aunt told me that they had been up until like 11 last night and the woke up at 5:30, so they should be tired. I let both of them stay up about an hour later then their bed(10) time just to make sure they would go to sleep without making a fuss. Both of them were not tired, and then came upstairs into my room at 7 in the morning!! I thought little kids needed lots of sleep! so why do they wake up so early?!