Monday, December 8, 2008

For Lorita!

I just wanted to say thank you for always replying to peoples blogs! I think that it is fantastic that I know that you will say something to a blog you take interest in! As For most people in our class including me, We don't leave many comments to others blogs that we read, but thank you for making me feel like someone is listening!


My doggy is doing good! Its kinda sad to see him because he is just so tired all the time that he dosen't even move at all. But I decided that as soon as he heals enough I'm gonna take him for a walk because he hasn't gotten to go one one for about 3 months! So I cant wait for him to get better and be the happy energetic doggy he is! Also because he lost so much weight I'm going to make him nice and fat again!

Friday, December 5, 2008

my dogs leg...

My poor sweet doggy that got hit by a car re-broke his shoulder. My mom just told me today that was have to amputate it because we cant afford to pay another few thousand dollars to fix it again. So tomorrow I have to wake up early to go see my three legged puppy, all drugged up on anesthesia again. Its going to be so weird to have a three legged boarder collie, I mean their supposed to be very fast runners, and now I'm not even sure if ha will be able to run. Well I hope that when we pick him up tomorrow he doing okay wish him luck!

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Crayola glow station!

I saw this commercial for the Crayola Glow Station and it looks amazing! I'm going to ask my grandma for it for Christmas! Its this thing that looks like a glowing white board and has a glowing pen that makes the board look like the stuff in the glow in the dark things when you draw! So you can draw in the dark!

Star Wars?

I dont get it, why is it now a Christmas thing to play Star Wars at christmas time? When I was looking through the guide I noticed that it was on three different channels, and was on many channels the night before. When did all this happen?

on Saturday night!

These police copter flood light started shining in my back yard so I just thought that maybe it was nothing and the person they were looking for was really in the next neighborhood and they were just checking and making sure that no one was there. But, then my mom opened the glass sliding door and screamed at a guy hopping our fence to get out of our yard. Immediately after shay and I were laying on the ground peaking out the bottom of the window trying to see what was happening while my mom called 911. The police then ran down the side of my house, pulled their guns out and told him to get on the ground or they'll shoot!

It was very existing! Well, that was my Saturday night.